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David Wheeler: Test and Release pgrx Extensions with pgxn-tools

24. April 2024 - 21:34

Yesterday I released v1.6.0 of the pgxn/pgxn-tools Docker image with a new command: pgrx-build-test works much like the existing pg-build-test utility for PGXS extensions, but for pgrx extensions.

Ashutosh Bapat: PostgreSQL's memory allocations

24. April 2024 - 16:27

There's a thread on hackers about recovering memory consumed by paths. A reference count is maintained in each path. Once paths are created for all the upper level relations that a given relation participates in, any unused paths, for which reference count is 0, are freed. This adds extra code and CPU cycles to traverse the paths, maintain reference counts and free the paths. Yet, the patch did not show any performance degradation.

Avi Vallarapu: Announcing PGDSAT to satisfy CIS benchmarks for PostgreSQL

23. April 2024 - 22:40

In an era where data breaches are both costly and damaging to reputations, implementing best practices and robust security measures is crucial. PostgreSQL has emerged as one of the most successful and highly adopted open-source databases, competing with the enterprise standards of Oracle and SQL Server. Its increasing popularity is evident from DBEngine rankings, Stackoverflow […]

David Wheeler: PGXN V2 Architecture

23. April 2024 - 22:08
PGXN Future Architecture

High-level diagram of the six logical services making up the proposed future extension distribution architecture. The Root Registry sits at the center, providing APIs for the other services to consume for their own use cases. Trusted instances of those services submit additional data about extensions via the Interactions service to enhance and enrich the service to better inform and delight users.

Robins Tharakan: Installing pg_tle on Ubuntu: A Quick Guide

23. April 2024 - 15:25
Compile & Install pg_tle on PostgresPostgreSQL is a powerful database, but sometimes you want to extend its functionality with custom features, and that's where extensions like pg_tle (Trusted Language Extensions) come into play.If you're new to pg_tle, here's a quick round-up of why it makes sense for you - See Unlock PostgreSQL Superpowers with pg_tle.Given the power of&

Ashutosh Bapat: DBaaG with SQL/PGQ

23. April 2024 - 11:44

For those who have studied ERD-lore, it's not new that a relational database is very much like a graph. But it has taken SQL, more than 30 years since it became a standard and almost half a century since its inception to incorporate construct that will allow a DataBase to be treated as a Graph, DBaaG. This is surprising given that SQL was developed as language for relational databases which are modeled using ER diagrams. Better late than never. SQL/PGQ has arrived as 16th part of SQL:2023.

Deepak Mahto: PL\pgSQL Conversion Gotchas : Functions with Out parameter and return type.

23. April 2024 - 8:11

If you’re fascinated by the internals of PL/pgSQL processing and want to handle it efficiently, especially if you’re migrating procedural logic from another database, be sure to check out the previous posts in the series on PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas – Part 1 and Part 2

Luca Ferrari: PgTraining Free Online Event: Material Available

23. April 2024 - 2:00

The material and the videos are now online!

PgTraining Free Online Event: Material Available

The past Friday, on April 19th, we did our fourth edition of the webinar dedicated entirely to PostgreSQL, provided by PgTraining.

As in the previous editions, we had three talks and an open discussion at the end. The talks (all in italian) were:

Claire Giordano: About Talk Selection for POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024

22. April 2024 - 19:42

As promised in the CFP for POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024, all of the talk selection decisions were emailed out on April 17th. Our talk selection work has now concluded, with the possible exception of accepting proposals from the Reserve list.

David Wheeler: 🎙️ Hacking Postgres s02e03

22. April 2024 - 18:28

Last week I appeared on s02e03 of the Hacking Postgres podcast.

The experience I had after my independent Consulting gig for 10 years working in companies was, like, bringing up other people and being supportive of other people and hearing from a diversity of voices and perspectives makes everything better.

Dave Page: PGDay UK 2024 - It's back on September 11th in London, England!!

22. April 2024 - 14:47

PGDay UK 2024 will take place in London on September 11th at the Cavendish Conference Centre, London, UK.

Our Call for Papers and Call for Sponsors are now open.

We are accepting proposals for talks in English. Each session will last 50 minutes, and may be on any topic related to PostgreSQL. The submission deadline is 9th June 2024 23:59:59 BST. Selected speakers will be notified on or before July 1st, 2024. Please submit your proposals here:

Ryan Booz: Recursive CTEs: Transforming and Analyzing Data in PostgreSQL, Part 3

22. April 2024 - 3:12

The first two articles in this series demonstrated how PostgreSQL is a capable tool for ELT – taking raw input and transforming it into usable data for querying and analyzing. We used sample data from the Advent of Code 2023 to demonstrate some of the ELT techniques in PostgreSQL.

Luca Ferrari: Using PL/Java: need for clarifications

22. April 2024 - 2:00

Sometimes it happens: I write something in a rush, and present it in a not-optimal way. And then I get advices!

Using PL/Java: need for clarifications

On January, I wrote an article about installing PL/Java on Rocky Linux, and about some of the difficulties I had in achieving a fully operational installation, even if I did not dig enough into the problems that I encountered.

Robins Tharakan: Unlock PostgreSQL Superpowers with pg_tle

20. April 2024 - 10:51
pg_tle - A Must-Know for DevelopersPostgreSQL is a fantastic database, packed with features. But sometimes, you need to add a little something extra – a custom function, a specialized data type, or maybe a procedure written in your favorite programming language. That's traditionally where PostgreSQL extensions come in. But for developers working with managed databases (like Amazon RDS),

cary huang: A Deeper Look Inside PostgreSQL Visibility Check Mechanism

20. April 2024 - 0:40
What is Visibility?

Simply put, the visibility refers to whether a row of data (Heap Tuple by default) should be displayed to the user in certain states, backend processes, or transactions.

For example,

Keith Fiske: Auto-archiving and Data Retention Management in Postgres with pg_partman

19. April 2024 - 15:00

You could be saving money every month on databases costs with a smarter data retention policy. One of the primary reasons, and a huge benefit of partitioning is using it to automatically archive your data. For example, you might have a huge log table. For business purposes, you need to keep this data for 30 days. This table grows continually over time and keeping all the data makes database maintenance challenging. With time-based partitioning, you can simply archive off data older than 30 days.

semab tariq: PostgreSQL Internals Part 3: Understanding Processes in PostgreSQL

18. April 2024 - 12:01

We explore PostgreSQL Internals in detail - its processes, architecture, the different types of processes available, and their respective responsibilities.

The post PostgreSQL Internals Part 3: Understanding Processes in PostgreSQL appeared first on Stormatics.

Cady Motyka: Introducing Snowflake Sequences in a Postgres Extension

18. April 2024 - 8:07

In a PostgreSQL database, sequences provide a convenient way to generate a unique identifier, and are often used for key generation. From the community, PostgreSQL provides functions and SQL language to help manage sequence generation, but the sequences themselves are not without limitations in a multi-master environment.

Stefan Fercot: Back from PGConf.DE 2024

17. April 2024 - 18:25

Last Friday (April 12, 2024) happened, with a record of 270 registrations, the 8th annual PGConf.DE in Munich, Germany.

There definitely was a great lineup: 1 German track, 2 English tracks and 1 sponsors track.
