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David Wheeler: To Preload, or Not to Preload

24. Juli 2024 - 16:00

To preload, or not to preload, that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the ram to suffer
The slings and arrows of pointer functions,
Or to take arms against a sea of backends,
And by alter role limit them: to session, to user

— William Shakespeare, DBA (probably)

Hans-Juergen Schoenig: Speeding up index creation in PostgreSQL

23. Juli 2024 - 10:00

Indexes are, by far, the most feature related to performance provided by every general purpose relational database. Without indexes, there are no such things as efficient search operations, no unique constraints, and no primary keys. Achieving good performance on reasonable amounts of data without indexes is therefore totally impossible.

Andrew Atkinson: Wait a minute! — PostgreSQL extension pg_wait_sampling

23. Juli 2024 - 2:00

PostgreSQL uses a complex system of locks to balance concurrent operations and data consistency, across many transactions. Those intricacies are beyond the scope of this post. Here we want to specifically look at queries that are waiting, whether on locks or for other resources, and learn how to get more insights about why.

semab tariq: A Follow up on Key PostgreSQL Configuration Parameters for Enhanced Performance – Part 2

22. Juli 2024 - 16:44

In a previous blog post, we configured an EC2 instance and installed PostgreSQL on it. After the initial setup, we ran pgbench to measure the initial TPS (transactions per second). Then, we tuned PostgreSQL and reran pgbench to see how much we could improve the TPS. To tune PostgreSQL, we adjusted various parameters based on the system's available resources. In this blog, we will identify which of those parameters contributed the most to the performance improvements.

Jimmy Angelakos: pg_statviz 0.7 released with new features, PG17 support

22. Juli 2024 - 14:37

I'm pleased to announce release 0.7 of pg_statviz, the minimalist extension and utility pair for time series analysis and visualization of PostgreSQL internal statistics.

Michael Christofides: Which cloud providers support auto_explain?

22. Juli 2024 - 11:34

Photo credit: Kenrick Mills

From time to time I need to check whether a managed Postgres provider supports auto_explain, and if so, which auto_explain parameters they support. Since it can be time-consuming to set up and test each of these, I wanted to create a reference for myself, and thought it might also be of interest to others.

Andrei Lepikhov: Looking for hidden hurdles when Postgres face partitions

22. Juli 2024 - 3:31

This post was initially intended to introduce my ‘one more Postgres thing' - a built-in fully transparent re-optimisation feature, which I'm really proud of. However, during benchmarking, I discovered that partitioning the table causes performance issues that are hard to tackle. So, let's see the origins of these issues and how PostgreSQL struggles with them.

Andrew Atkinson: You make a good point! — PostgreSQL Savepoints

22. Juli 2024 - 2:00

This post will look at the basics of PostgreSQL Savepoints within a Transaction.

A transaction is used to form a non-separable unit of work to commit or not, as a unit. Transactions are opened using the BEGIN keyword, then either committed or may be rolled back. Use ROLLBACK without any arguments to do that.

Stefanie Janine: sparql_fdw tested against PostgreSQL 15 und 16

22. Juli 2024 - 0:00

sparql_fdw is a foreign data wrapper to access data available over the internet in the SPARQL format from within PostgreSQL based on Multicorn2.

The soucre code and documentation is available on GitHub.
A merge request to the original repository has been opened.

Hubert 'depesz' Lubaczewski: What tables were touched within given range of wal LSN?

19. Juli 2024 - 17:00
We had a case recently where one of our DBs failed over to a new primary. To this server (old primary, and then new primary) we had connection from some kind of CDC tool (Debezium, I think). The thing is that while there was failover, this tool read (using logical decoding) changes on old primary … Continue reading "What tables were touched within given range of wal LSN?"

Elizabeth Garrett Christensen: Magic Tricks for Postgres psql: Settings, Presets, Echo, and Saved Queries

19. Juli 2024 - 14:00

As I’ve been working with Postgres psql cli, I’ve picked up a few good habits from my Crunchy Data co-workers that make my terminal database environment easier to work with. I wanted to share a couple of my favorite things I’ve found that make getting around Postgres better. If you’re just getting started with psql, or haven’t ventured too far out of the defaults, this is the post for you. I’ll walk you through some of the friendliest psql settings and how to create your own preset settings file.

Tatsuo Ishii: Row pattern recognition feature for PostgreSQL

19. Juli 2024 - 8:14
What is row pattern recognition feature? Row pattern recognition (RPR) is a feature defined in the SQL standard. It allows to search for a sequence of rows by pattern.  Since I am working on this feature for PostgreSQL, I would like to give a brief introduction to RPR.
  Consider a table holding date and daily stock price of a company.   company  |   tdate    | price
 company1 | 2024-07-01 |   100
 company1 | 2024-07-02 |   200
 company1 | 2024-07-03 |   150

Andrew Farries: pgroll 0.6.0 update

19. Juli 2024 - 2:00
Learn about the latest changes in pgroll in the 0.6.0 release as we continue to build and turn it into a first-class open-source schema migration tool for Postgres.

Mark Wong: PostgreSQL Performance Farm 2024 Progress Update

18. Juli 2024 - 2:26

It feels like it was time to revisit the PostgreSQL Performance Farm that Tomas Vondra envisioned back in 2010.  Between that and several Google Summer of Code iterations starting in 2018, the project just didn't seem to gain enough traction.  See Ilaria Battiston's presentation in 2022 for a demo.

Carlos Pérez-Aradros Herce: Postgres major version upgrades with minimal downtime

18. Juli 2024 - 2:00
With the beta release of dedicated clusters, we've added the ability to move branches between clusters. Xata customers can now perform Postgres major version upgrades with minimal downtime.

Andreas Scherbaum: PostgreSQL Berlin July 2024 Meetup

17. Juli 2024 - 17:09

On July 16th, 2024, we had the PostgreSQL July Meetup in Berlin. Adjust hosted and Neon sponsored the Meetup in their Berlin Headquarter at Prenzlauer Berg, near the TV Tower.

Deepak Mahto: Exploring PostgreSQL 17: A Developer’s Guide to New Features – Part 3: The COPY Command Gets More User-Friendly

17. Juli 2024 - 16:12

PostgreSQL 17 Beta was released on May 23, 2024, introducing a host of exciting new features anticipated to be part of the official PostgreSQL 17 release. In this blog series, we’ll delve into these features and explore how they can benefit database developers and migration engineers transitioning to the latest PostgreSQL version.

Dave Page: PGDay UK 2024 - Schedule published

16. Juli 2024 - 12:35

Join us on 11th September 2024 in London, for a day of talks on the World's Most Advanced Open Source Database coupled with the usual valuable hallway track. This event is aimed at all users and developers of PostgreSQL and is your chance to meet and exchange ideas and knowledge with like-minded database fanatics in London.


We are pleased to announce that the schedule for PGDay UK 2024 has now been published. You can see the fantastic selection of talks we have planned at:

Laurenz Albe: Keyset pagination with descending order

16. Juli 2024 - 7:49
© Markus Winand 2014

Keyset pagination is the most performant way to retrieve a large result set page by page. However, the neat trick with composite type comparison doesn't always work. This article explains why and how you can work around that shortcoming.

An example table for paginated queries

We create a table with a million rows:

Andrew Farries: Introducing multi-version schema migrations

16. Juli 2024 - 2:00
Today's release of multi-version schema migrations addresses one of the most common pain points of application deployment - keeping your application code and database schema in sync. You can now present two versions of your schema, both old and new, to client applications.
