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Florian Nadler: From Microsoft SQL server to PostGIS

18. Juni 2024 - 7:26

PostGIS is getting more and more popular and for good reasons. It benefits from a great community and offers a huge set of cool and stable features. Nowadays, a lot of customers want to migrate their spatial datasets from various data sources to PostGIS, where they can easily work with them.
Today I want to take a closer look at how this migration could look like for those transitioning from Microsoft SQL server to PostGIS.  

My article is structured as follows:

Andrew Farries: Schema changes and the Postgres lock queue

18. Juni 2024 - 2:00
Learn how schema changes can cause downtime by locking out reads and writes and how migration tools can avoid it by using lock timeouts, along with backoff and retry strategies.

David Wheeler: POSETTE 2024

17. Juni 2024 - 22:33

Last week, I attended and presented at POSETTE, An Event for Postgres. A selection of the presentations I found worthy of attention.

Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum: William Ivanski

17. Juni 2024 - 16:00
PostgreSQL Person of the Week Interview with William Ivanski: My name is William, my family and I live in a small town called Matinhos, near the beach, surrounded by mountains, in the south of Brazil.

Suman Michael: Extending PostgreSQL with Rust and OpenAI Integration

17. Juni 2024 - 15:23

PostgreSQL is a powerful and versatile database management system. One of its strengths lies in its extensibility. In this blog, we will explore how to extend PostgreSQL using Rust, specifically focusing on creating a custom extension called pg_summarize that integrates with the OpenAI API. This extension will include a basic "Hello, pg_summarize!" function and another […]

Robins Tharakan: Compiling latest gcc to test more architectures

15. Juni 2024 - 22:38
Off late, I've had two separate needs to compile GCC by hand and although my first foray into compiling gcc from git took patience, stumbling over the basics was interesting to say the least.The first time I realised that an old GCC version could matter, was this feedback [1] that one of my buildfarm members was running an old (for its arch) gcc version, something that I almost never paid much

Christoph Schiessl: Force Index Usage by Manipulating the Query Planner

15. Juni 2024 - 2:00
Learn how to manipulate PostgreSQL's query planner to force it to use your indexes while working on optimizing the performance of your queries.

Radim Marek: The time keepers: pg_cron and pg_timetable

15. Juni 2024 - 2:00

Working with PostgreSQL, and virtually any database system, extends far beyond merely inserting and retrieving data. Many application and business processes, maintenance tasks, reporting, and orchestration tasks require the integration of a job scheduler. While third-party tools can drive automation, you can also automate the execution of predefined tasks directly within the database environment. Although system-level cron might be a starting point, the power of the database system lies in its ability to store all the necessary information alongside your data/schema.

Álvaro Hernández: Postgres Ibiza 2024: Call for Papers and Sponsors

14. Juni 2024 - 16:22
Postgres Ibiza 2024: September 9th-11th

Postgres Ibiza 2024 will be back in September. A three-day event split into:

Andreas Scherbaum: PostgreSQL Development Conference 2024 - Review

14. Juni 2024 - 2:00

This year’s PGCon was different. For starters, the conference is renamed to, and it no longer takes place in Ottawa, but in Vancouver, BC. It’s also a new team which organized the conference, and they did a superb job!

Henrietta Dombrovskaya: My Talk at POSETTE online conference!

13. Juni 2024 - 20:53

I am going to be honest with my audience: this time, I actually thought that the presentation was horrible, and I didn’t even want to watch my own talk. So when I had to watch it during the Livestream, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was not so bad, and I am happy to share it!

Jimmy Angelakos: POSETTE 2024 — How to Work with Other People

13. Juni 2024 - 14:37

POSETTE 2024 is an online event for PostgreSQL (formerly known as Citus Con, kindly sponsored by Microsoft) which took place on June 11-13, 2024. It was wonderfully organised, and even though I prefer in-person events vs pre-recorded talks, it was very well executed and the audience participation via Discord live chat was great and very heartening.

Christoph Schiessl: Portability via Static Linking of `libpq`

13. Juni 2024 - 2:00
Learn how to remove LDAP support from PostgreSQL packages to remove indirect dependencies, thereby making your programs more portable across systems.

Álvaro Hernández: Postgres at the Kubernetes Podcast

12. Juni 2024 - 16:41

The Kubernetes Podcast (from Google) is, probably, the most famous and reputed podcast on Kubernetes. It’s been airing for more than six years already, with 228 episodes as of today. I’ve been (and still am) an avid listener myself since 2020.

semab tariq: Exploring the Power of Partitioning in PostgreSQL

12. Juni 2024 - 14:11

Learn about PostgreSQL partitioning, its types, and benefits for optimized database performance.

The post Exploring the Power of Partitioning in PostgreSQL appeared first on Stormatics.

Hubert 'depesz' Lubaczewski: How much speed you’re leaving at the table if you use default locale?

11. Juni 2024 - 20:53
I've been to recently, and one of the talks was about collations. The whole talk was interesting (to put it mildly), but the thing that stuck with me is that we really shouldn't be using default collation provider (libc with locale based collation), unless it's really needed, because we're wasting performance. But how much … Continue reading "How much speed you’re leaving at the table if you use default locale?"

Deepak Mahto: Exploring PostgreSQL 17: A Developer’s Guide to New Features – Part 2 – Null’s Constraint and Performance.

11. Juni 2024 - 14:41

PostgreSQL 17 Beta was released on May 23, 2024, introducing a host of exciting new features anticipated to be part of the official PostgreSQL 17 release. In this blog series, we’ll delve into these features and explore how they can benefit database developers and migration engineers transitioning to the latest PostgreSQL version.

Cornelia Biacsics: Community feelings at P2D2 2024

11. Juni 2024 - 8:14

Last week, I had the privilege to accompany my colleagues, Jan Karremans, Pavlo Golub and Antonin Houska to the 16th Prague Developer Conference. It was my first time at P2D2 which made me indeed curious. 

Gilles Darold: PGTT Extension for Global Temporary Tables in PostgreSQL

10. Juni 2024 - 16:30

Customers migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL and SQL Server to PostgreSQL are often curious of Oracle compatibility and SQL Server compatibility in PostgreSQL. Best way to solve most of the Oracle or SQL Server compatibility is through some of the popular extensions in PostgreSQL. I have had a chance to contribute to multiple such tools […]

Gabriele Bartolini: CloudNativePG Recipe 8: Participating in PostgreSQL 17 Testing Program in Kubernetes

10. Juni 2024 - 15:09

Join the PostgreSQL 17 testing program using Kubernetes and CloudNativePG! With the recent release of PostgreSQL 17 Beta 1, our community has made operand container images available for testing. This article guides you through deploying a PostgreSQL 17 cluster, selecting specific Debian versions, and verifying installations. Perfect for developers in early stages, your participation will help identify and fix bugs before the final release. Get involved and ensure PostgreSQL 17 is robust and ready for production, even in Kubernetes!
