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David Wheeler: RFC: PGXN Meta Spec v2

15. Juli 2024 - 21:15

Two bits of news on the “PGXN v2” project.

Daniel Vérité: Implementing UUIDs v7 in pure SQL

15. Juli 2024 - 20:14
In May 2024, the IETF standard on UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifiers) has been updated with RFC 9562, finally officializing the UUID Version 7. This version is known to be a much better choice for database indexes than previous ones, since it has values generated consecutively already sorted. PostgreSQL does not yet have a built-in function to generate UUIDs v7, but of course several extensions do exist. The ones I found tend to require a compilation step and superuser privileges to install, as they’re written in “untrusted languages” like C or Rust.

Tomas Vondra: Autovacuum Tuning Basics

15. Juli 2024 - 19:16

A few weeks ago I covered the basics of tuning checkpoints, and in that post I also mentioned autovacuum as the second common source of performance issues (based on what we see on the mailing list and at our customers). Let me follow-up on that with this post about how to tune autovacuum, to minimize the risk of performance issues. In this post I'll briefly explain why we even need autovacuum (dead rows, bloat and how autovacuum deals with it), and then move to the main focus of this blog post - tuning.

Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum: Ozgun Erdogan

15. Juli 2024 - 15:15
PostgreSQL Person of the Week Interview with Ozgun Erdogan: I’m originally from Istanbul. After college, I moved to the Bay Area for grad school and then up to Seattle for my first programming gig at Amazon. After about four years, I wanted to learn more and co-founded Citus Data with two of the smartest guys I know.

Andrei Lepikhov: How expensive is it to maintain extended statistics?

15. Juli 2024 - 1:24

In the previous post, I passionately advocated for integrating extended statistics and, moreover, creating them automatically. But what if it is too computationally demanding to keep statistics fresh?

This time, I will roll up my sleeves, get into the nitty-gritty and shed light on the burden extended statistics put on the digital shoulders of the database instance. Let's set aside the cost of using this type of statistics during planning and focus on one aspect - how much time we will spend in an ANALYZE command execution.

Shayon Mukherjee: Use pg_easy_replicate for setting up Logical Replication and Switchover in PostgreSQL

13. Juli 2024 - 15:11
Logical replication is a powerful feature in PostgreSQL that allows for real-time data replication between databases. It can be used for performing major version upgrades using a blue/green setup where you have two databases, allowing you to test and switch over to a new version with minimal downtime. Logical replication can also be use to facilitate database migrations between different environments, using the same technique and tooling. In this post, I will describe the process of setting up simple replication and switchover between two databases using pg_easy_replicate.

Andrew Atkinson: SaaS on Rails on PostgreSQL — POSETTE 2024

13. Juli 2024 - 2:00

In this talk attendees will learn how Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL can be used to create scalable SaaS applications, focusing on schema and query design, and leveraging database capabilities.

We’ll define SaaS concepts, B2B, B2C, and multi-tenancy. Although Rails doesn’t natively support SaaS or multi-tenancy, solutions like Bullet Train and Jumpstart Rails can be used for common SaaS needs.

Christophe Pettus: Checking Your Privileges, 2

10. Juli 2024 - 19:48

I turned the last blog post into a talk; you can get the slides here.

Umair Shahid: Guide to Auditing and Monitoring Access in PostgreSQL

10. Juli 2024 - 10:52

In the data-driven world of today, maintaining the security and integrity of your database is paramount. Auditing and monitoring access to your database are critical components of an effective security strategy. These processes help ensure that only authorized users are accessing sensitive information and that any unauthorized access attempts are detected and addressed promptly.

Robert Haas: Mentoring Program Updates

9. Juli 2024 - 16:04

Here are a few updates on the mentoring program that I announced in a previous blog post.

Gabriele Bartolini: CloudNativePG Recipe 9 - Inspecting the network and the storage in a CloudNativePG cluster

9. Juli 2024 - 13:20

In this blog post, I delve into the crucial aspects of networking and storage within a CloudNativePG cluster deployed on Kubernetes. I explore how Kubernetes services manage external and internal communications for PostgreSQL clusters, ensuring high availability and seamless failover. Additionally, I examine the role of PersistentVolumeClaims in handling PostgreSQL data storage, offering insights into effective resource management.

Hans-Juergen Schoenig: Using AI to generate data structures for PostgreSQL

9. Juli 2024 - 7:26

Artificial Intelligence is the motto of the day. Everybody is talking about it, everybody seems to know what it means and the insane number of buzzwords floating around on the internet is just mind-boggling. It seems that in some areas of the industry, the number of slides and marketing videos exceeds the number of real-world use cases and sometimes even the amount of code that actually exists.

Claire Giordano: Say hello to the Talking Postgres podcast

9. Juli 2024 - 2:03

The TL;DR of this blog post is simple: the “Path To Citus Con” podcast for developers who love Postgres has been renamed—and the new name is Talking Postgres.

And if you’re just hearing about the Talking Postgres podcast for the first time, it is a monthly podcast for developers who love Postgres, with amazing guests from the Postgres world who talk about the human side of Postgres, databases, and open source.

Sergey Pronin: Automated Major Version Upgrades in Percona Operator for PostgreSQL

8. Juli 2024 - 17:41
PostgreSQL major versions are released every year, with each release delivering better performance and new features. With such rapid innovation, it is inevitable that there will be a need to upgrade from one version to another. Upgrade procedures are usually very complex and require thorough planning. With the 2.4.0 release of Percona Operator for PostgreSQL, […]

Umair Shahid: Access Controls in PostgreSQL

8. Juli 2024 - 17:41

Secure your PostgreSQL database with effective access control. Learn role management, privileges, and Row-Level Security (RLS) techniques.

The post Access Controls in PostgreSQL appeared first on Stormatics.

Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum: Grant Zhou

8. Juli 2024 - 16:00
PostgreSQL Person of the Week Interview with Grant Zhou: I was born in Qingdao, China, and have been living in Vancouver, Canada since 2013. I am the founder of Highgo Software North America and lead the company’s PostgreSQL open source development team, focusing on PostgreSQL contributions and the IvorySQL project. Additionally, I serve as the secretary of the International Consultant Committee of the PostgreSQL China Association and as the Organizer & Asia Liaison at PostgresConf.

David Wheeler: Introducing Go SQL/JSON Path and Playground

8. Juli 2024 - 15:59

For a personal project, I needed to parse and execute PostgreSQL-compatible jsonpath expressions.1 So I’ve spent just about every spare evening and weekend the last several months porting Postgres jsonpath to Go, and it’s finally ready to ship.

Tomas Vondra: Basics of Tuning Checkpoints

8. Juli 2024 - 14:00
On systems doing non-trivial number of writes, tuning checkpoints is crucial for getting good performance. Yet checkpoints are one of the areas where we often identify confusion and configuration issues, both on the community mailing lists and during support and consulting for our customers. This post is meant to explain what checkpoints are - the purpose and how the database implements that - and then also how to tune them.

Elizabeth Garrett Christensen: Parallel Queries in Postgres

8. Juli 2024 - 12:00

Many folks are surprised to hear that Postgres has parallel queries out of the box. This was released in small batches across a half dozen versions of Postgres, so the major fanfare for having parallelism got a little bit lost.

Andrei Lepikhov: Why PostgreSQL prefers MergeJoin to HashJoin?

8. Juli 2024 - 2:01

Today's post is sparked by a puzzling observation: users, especially those who use an abstraction layer like REST or ORM library to interact with databases, frequently disable the MergeJoin option across the entire database instance. They justify this action by citing numerous instances of performance degradation.
