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Peter Eisentraut: PostgreSQL 17 commitfest conclusion

11. April 2024 - 6:00

Last October, I wrote:

Looking at the numbers in the PG17 cycle so far, even though they are much lower than the 2023-03 commitfest, we can expect that PG17 will have more activity in total than previous development cycles.

And now it’s time to count up the score. The final per-commitfest numbers of committed patches were:

Raminder Singh: Postgres Roles and Privileges

11. April 2024 - 2:00
A guide to Postgres roles and privileges

David Wheeler: Mini Summit Three

10. April 2024 - 22:27

Terrific presentation and discussion at last week’s Postgres Extension Ecosystem Mini-Summit. In fact, I later learned that some people couldn’t make it because the Eventbrite event page showed it as sold out!

David Christensen: Building PostgreSQL Extensions: Dropping Extensions and Cleanup

10. April 2024 - 15:00

I recently created a Postgres extension which utilizes the pg_cron extension to schedule recurring activities using the cron.schedule(). Everything worked great. The only problem was when I dropped my extension, it left the cron job scheduled, which resulted in regular errors:

Deepak Mahto: PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: How to Handle Conflicting Variables.

10. April 2024 - 7:24

One fun fact of Pl\pgSQL is that it’s an Extension in PostgreSQL that is created as default whenever we create any new databases.

Converting databases, primarily those like Oracle, involves translating multiple functions, procedures, or packages written in PL/SQL to PostgreSQL with PL/pgSQL.During the conversion stage, we utilize conversion tools to automate a significant portion of the initial migration. However, it’s important to note that automatically converted code might not always follow best practices for PostgreSQL development.

Hayato Kuroda: A day in the life of a Postgres engineer at Fujitsu - Hayato Kuroda

10. April 2024 - 2:16

I am part of the Fujitsu OSS Postgres team, a group of Postgres engineers at Fujitsu work that have been working continuously to deliver contributions to the community since 2019. I would like to reflect on my past year and also share with you my endeavours for the year.

Kai Wagner: Protect Your PostgreSQL Database with pg_tde: Safe and Secure

9. April 2024 - 14:41
Tech Preview release of pg_tde now availableAs organizations collect, store, and analyze vast amounts of data, ensuring its confidentiality and integrity becomes a top priority. For PostgreSQL users, the tech preview release availability of the new encryption extension pg_tde delivers unmatched protection for vital data assets.What is pg_tde?pg_tde, developed by Percona, is an open source […]

Andrew Atkinson: Compiling PostgreSQL on macOS To Test Documentation and Patches

9. April 2024 - 2:00

This post covers my experience compiling and installing PostgreSQL from source code. Primarily I followed official instructions and this blog post Setup PostgreSQL development environment on MacOS. Once installed, we’ll look at how to test doc changes and patches from the mailing list.

Jonathan Katz: Scalar and binary quantization for pgvector vector search and storage

9. April 2024 - 2:00

While many AI/ML embedding models generate vectors that provide large amounts of information by using high dimensionality, this can come at the cost of using more memory for searches and more overall storage. Both of these can have an impact on the cost and performance of a system that’s storing vectors, including when using PostgreSQL with the pgvector for these use cases.

Ryan Booz: Using Common Table Expressions: Transforming and Analyzing Data in PostgreSQL, Part 2

8. April 2024 - 20:57

In the first article in this transforming data series, I discussed how powerful PostgreSQL can be in ingesting and transforming data for analysis. Over the last few decades, this was traditionally done with a methodology called Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) which usually requires external tools. The goal of ETL is to do the transformation work outside of the database and only import the final form of data that is needed for further analysis and reporting.

Gabriele Bartolini: CloudNativePG Recipe 6: Postgres Vertical Scaling with Storage - part 1

8. April 2024 - 19:37

Are you worried that PostgreSQL cannot scale writes within a single node, or do you think that scaling PostgreSQL can only be done horizontally, across different Kubernetes nodes? Discover the surprising truth behind PostgreSQL’s vertical scalability in this first article of a two-part series. Explore the potential of optimizing CPU, RAM, and storage resources through meticulous measurement and benchmarking, challenging conventional scaling wisdom.

Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum: Jonah H. Harris

8. April 2024 - 16:00
PostgreSQL Person of the Week Interview with Jonah H. Harris: Hello! I’m Jonah, the Founder of NEXTGRES. I’ve been a database enthusiast, user, administrator, and developer for many (many) years. Most people who know me know I approach database selection pragmatically, focusing on the needs of the customer, company, or application rather than ideology. That said, Postgres has (obviously) emerged as my preferred choice over time.

muhammad ali: PostgreSQL Roles and Privileges Simplified

8. April 2024 - 9:09

Learn to manage roles and privileges in PostgreSQL, covering databases, schemas, and other objects level privileges.

The post PostgreSQL Roles and Privileges Simplified appeared first on Stormatics.
